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Easter Seals Access 2 Pass
If your family enjoys going to the movies, you'll want to get an Easter Seals Access Pass! It entitles your family to one free admission for the adult accompanying the person with special needs. You can get a 3-year card for $20 or a 5-year card for $30.
For more information:
Project Lifesaver
Project Lifesaver is a community based, public safety, non profit that provides law enforcement, fire/rescue, and caregivers with a program designed to protect and when necessary quickly locate individuals with cognitive disorders who are prone to wandering. Individuals are fitted with a bracelet that is tracked by members of a Project Lifesaver team when caregivers contact them for assistance. In our area the project is administered by Juan de Fuca Search and Rescue.
For local information please contact JDF SAR at or find more information on the international program at
We Can Learning Communities
If your child with A.S.D. has a brother or sister who you believe could benefit from additional support, this group runs a series of "Sibshops". It allows them to have an open dialogue and share experiences with kids who understand their situation - which even as parents we can't imagine. The "Sibshops" are currently run out of Victoria, but if we had enough interest by our SASS members we would gladly reach out to see if we could organize a group in Sooke.
For more information:
Westjet has a variety of services to accommodate people with special needs. One of them involves their One Person One Fare (OPOF) program which provides additional seating for flights only within Canada to guests who require additional seating.
For more information:
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